Choosing Between Dental Implants and Dentures

Are you deciding between dentures and dental implants near Bel Air, MD ? You are not alone. Dentists report that almost 70% of American adults between 35 and 44 have at least one missing tooth, and the numbers only increase with age. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry now offers many different options for restoring your smile, including dental implants and dentures. Continue reading to learn more.

Bone Health
The first step in deciding between dental implants and dentures involves asking your dentist to evaluate your jaw bone. When you schedule a consultation with your dental clinic, your dentist will determine whether you have enough healthy Dental Implants Near Bel Air MD bone to support dental implants. When you lose teeth, the bone beneath naturally deteriorates, because it has no tooth to support. However, for dental implants to successfully adhere to the jaw, there must be sufficient healthy bone to support them.

Permanent Solution
Dental implants are ideal for individuals who want a permanent solution to missing teeth. Because they fuse directly with the jawbone, dental implants last a lifetime. Additionally, the bridge or dental crowns function just like normal teeth. However, some patients prefer the efficiency and ease of dentures. Dentures do not require surgery and can often be created in a single day, so you can leave your dentist with a full set of teeth. Additionally, dentures can be easily removed and require little at-home care.

Cosmetic Appearance
When you decide between dentures and dental implants, you may also want to consider how much importance you place on your smile’s cosmetic appearance. Both dentures and dental implants are much more natural looking today than ever before. However, dental implants and crowns offer an aesthetic advantage over dentures, because they look just like natural teeth. If having a full set of beautiful teeth is important to you, be sure to consider dental implants.