• Oral Health vs. Covid-19

    Bacteria= Bad
    Infection= Worse
    Covid-19 + Infection= Deadly

    The American Dental Association has linked the progression and severity of Covid-19 to oral health. Turns out, there is – in fact, they found that 20 percent of those who contracted COVID developed severe symptoms due to a high “bacterial load.”

    In other words, those who suffer from gingivitis or periodontitis have higher rates of infection causing bacteria in their mouth, which enters their body in a myriad of ways. The first, is through the blood via the vessels in the gums and teeth. The second is via respiratory, by breathing in this bacteria.

    As a result, those who may have contracted COVID or are suffering from minor symptoms, develop post-viral bacterial complications, such as pneumonia, sepsis, or respiratory distress syndrome. When this happens, the body’s immune system is weakened, resulting in much more severe symptoms than would have otherwise occurred.

    Read this story and more on our Facebook page.

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