Could Sugarless Drinks Hurt Your Teeth?

You are probably aware of the problems that sugar can cause for your teeth and gums, but switching to sugarless drinks might not be the final answer for good dental care. Remember that you should be visiting your Dr. Zhu  for regular appointments as well as practicing proper dental care at home. Check out this video clip to find out if sugarless drinks could be hurting your teeth.

It is not uncommon to see advertisements for sugarless drinks that claim to be healthier than their competitors. However, switching to these sugarless drinks might not be the best idea for your dental care. Sodas, sports drinks, and other sugarless beverages might still contain acids that can attack your tooth enamel and cause decay; despite the way these drinks are advertised, this is not very friendly towards your teeth. Be sure to read the labels carefully and practice proper dental hygiene daily.