How Diabetes Can Affect Your Oral Health

Diabetes is a medical condition that can affect all of the major systems of the body. If you have diabetes, you may be surprised to learn that your oral health can also be affected by this disease. Fortunately, with services and care from a general dentistry office in Bel Air , you will be able to make sure that your teeth and gums remain healthy and strong. Your dental office can assist you with tooth filling, general cleanings, and a variety of other important dental care services. To help you care for your teeth, here is a look at how diabetes can affect your oral health. oral - health

Gum Disease

People with diabetes are more likely to develop gum disease than non-diabetics. Gum disease occurs in stages, and can be reversed if it is detected early. The beginning stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis. As gum disease progresses, puffy, red gums may start to bleed and recede. Advanced gum disease may result in tooth loss, abscesses, and other very serious issues.

Tooth Loss

Diabetic patients may also find that they are at increased risk of experiencing tooth loss. There are many reasons why a person may lose a tooth in adulthood. A tooth may need to be extracted if it is severely decayed or infected. Problems with the gum surrounding the tooth may also result in tooth loss. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry procedures can be used to fill in the space left by a missing tooth and restore a patient’s smile.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is another oral health problem that is associated with diabetes. When a patient has a frequently dry mouth, he or she may develop ulcers, sores, and frequent cavities. Dry mouth is also a very uncomfortable condition. With services from a dentist in your area, you can prevent and treat any of the oral health issues that are associated with diabetes. Your dentist can keep your smile healthy and brilliant throughout your lifetime.