• How to Choose Which Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment Is Right for You

    Your smile says a lot about your personality. Unfortunately, many people feel as though they must cover up their smiles because of concerns about the appearance of their teeth. If you’re dissatisfied with your smile, it may be time to make an appointment at a cosmetic dentistry office in Bel Air, MD. There are many cosmetic dentistry options that can brighten your smile, resolve chips and cracks, and even address misshapen teeth and unsightly gaps. cosmetic - dentistry

    Identify your concerns and goals for your smile.

    Consider making a list of all of the things that bother you about your smile. You might be upset that your teeth look dingy or downright discolored, or you may be concerned about that gap between your front teeth. Consider which changes to your smile would give you a boost of self-confidence.

    Schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist.

    Once you have identified the problem areas that you would like to resolve, it’s time to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentistry provider. When you arrive at the clinic, be sure to share your full medical history, including any medications you’re taking. This is particularly important if you’re concerned about discoloration; certain medications are a common cause of tooth discoloration. During your visit, your dentist will carefully examine your teeth, including the way the upper and lower jaws fit together. He or she will ask you about your goals for your pearly whites and then design a customized treatment plan that’s right for you.

    Learn about your cosmetic dentistry options.

    Many people can achieve incredible results with tooth whitening alone. In office whitening procedures are particularly effective. The BriteSmile method is particularly effective. It involves applying specialized teeth whitening gel to your teeth. Then, the BriteSmile blue light is applied to activate the gel. During your treatment, you can relax comfortably while your teeth are undergoing a much-needed makeover. If you have deeper tooth discoloration, such as discoloration caused by medications, then you might need a more intensive treatment. Your dentist might recommend Lumineers, which are porcelain veneers that are bonded to the front sides of your teeth. Lumineers are an effective way to instantly camouflage a wide range of dental imperfections-from discoloration and chips to gaps and misshapen teeth. These are just a couple of the cosmetic dentistry options that may be available to you. Your dentist can help you decide which one is right for you.

  • Tips for Caring for Your Sensitive Teeth

    If you have sensitive teeth, you may find it uncomfortable to consume very hot or cold beverages and foods. Since tooth sensitivity can indicate the wearing down of your enamel or the recession of your gum line, it’s best to visit a dental office in Bel Air, MD, for a dental cleaning and exam. Proper dental care can resolve your tooth sensitivity by addressing the underlying problem. In the meantime, you can follow the tips explained in this video.

    This video offers some at-home dental care guidance for sensitive teeth. It recommends brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and desensitizing toothpaste that contains fluoride. You can protect the enamel on your teeth by avoiding soda and acidic foods, and by waiting 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth.

  • Why Adults Are Choosing Invisalign

    Braces have long been used to straighten the teeth of adolescents, but individuals of any age can benefit from having perfectly aligned teeth. Properly aligned teeth are essential for biting and chewing food, and for clearly pronouncing words. In some cases, braces might even improve oral wellness, such as when an adult suffers from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. For adults who live in Bel Air, a dentist is likely to recommend Invisalign.


    Discreet Alternative

    Dentists often recommend Invisalign to their adult patients because it offers a discreet alternative to highly visible metal braces. Although straight teeth are important at any age, the appearance of braces does not lend itself to a professional image. Adults who are concerned about how they look as they go about their day at the office may be more likely to choose Invisalign. Instead of metal brackets, Invisalign gently straightens the teeth with a series of custom-made aligners made of clear plastic . Since these aligners are virtually invisible, no one needs to know when a person is having his or her teeth straightened.

    Convenient Aligners

    Beyond appearance, Invisalign offers remarkable advantages over metal braces. The aligners are a convenient option because they are easily removable and replaceable. Dental patients simply pop out the aligners when it’s time for a meal. After eating and brushing their teeth, patients can easily snap the aligners back into place. The removable nature of the Invisalign aligners means that there are no dietary restrictions; patients can feel free to crunch on an apple, bite on celery, or chew sugarless gum.

    Optimum Oral Health

    Another benefit of the removable aligners is that they allow patients to maintain their normal oral health routines without having to fuss with proxabrushes or other special dental care equipment. The teeth can be brushed and flossed as usual. The aligners are easy to clean; a gentle scrub with toothpaste is all that’s needed to refresh them. Because adults can easily maintain their oral hygiene during treatment, there is no increased risk of tooth decay.

  • What Happens During a Root Canal?

    If you experience tooth pain and visit an emergency dentist near Bel Air, MD, it’s possible that your dentist will determine that the nerve of your tooth has been damaged by an infection or decay. In these situations, a root canal is indicated. A root canal can save your natural tooth and prevent the need for a tooth extraction. To perform this common dental procedure, your dentist will thoroughly numb the area and create an access opening on the top of the affected tooth. Then, the dentist inserts a series of root canal files into the opening to remove the infected pulp and other damaged tissues. Other dental instruments may be needed to address tooth decay, if this problem is also present.

    Once all of the damaged material has been removed from the tooth, the dentist seals the hole with a temporary or permanent filling. In the same office visit, we will permanently seal the tooth if you received a temporary filling. Your dentist will also permanently affix a dental crown on top of the tooth. The dental crown looks just like a natural tooth; it protects the natural tooth from trauma.
