Save Your Tooth with a Root Canal

If you have a severely infected tooth, you may need to visit an emergency dentist in Bel Air, MD. An emergency dentist can attempt to save your tooth via a root canal procedure , rather than resorting to a tooth extraction. Root canal procedures are a safe, effective method of emergency dental care, and can prevent your infection from spreading while preserving the integrity of your infected tooth.

Prior to your root canal, your dentist will administer anesthesia. He may also give you a mild sedative to help you relax during the procedure. This will ensure that you remain comfortable and pain free throughout your dental care procedure. Once the anesthesia is in effect, your dentist will drill a small access hole into your infected tooth. He will use special dental tools to remove diseased or infected dental pulp, tooth nerve, and tissue from your tooth.

He will then fill the tooth cavity with medication to completely eradicate your infection. Then, he will seal the access hole with dental putty to prevent bacteria from entering. He may place a dental crown on the tooth to preserve its structural integrity and prevent a broken or chipped tooth.
